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Roberta Ballantine


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Roberta Ballantine                                                                        


Marlowe Revealed, Shakespeare Exposed


I’m working on a story as true as I can make it of the whole life of Christopher Marlowe, a spy who considered himself damned, a great dramatist, a lifelong student of theology and political science who set in motion ideas that ever since have had increasing influence.

The story tells how he invested in American exploration, fathered children who dispersed toward innovative careers of their own, how he lived with some of the most gifted people of England, Spain and Italy, made enemies, and how his loves and friendships changed his life.  It tells how he came to write and leave for us a body of very youthful works, a collection of stories in Spanish, a popular Italian play, letters filed in the English record office, over 100 diplomatic communiques and other works (some may be in the earliest Gazettas), as well as three narrative poems, many short ones—and the greatest English-language plays.

Though the name Christopher Marlowe was officially wiped off contemporary records after 1593 and he used only “working names” during the last half of his life, he was well known and beloved, a man who could be a charming companion but who suffered periods of despair, always with a peculiar sense of perspective alienation from his suffering.  He examined, all his life.  He tried to help others fight misunderstanding.

This story has early chapters showing circumstances (today still hidden from public view) into which he was introduced as a child and which shaped his career.  Chapters after his death are also a necessary part, showing directions in lives of associates who survived him.

Though he lived 58 years the whole plan of my work covers 63: from 1563 to 1626.  There’ll be a few blank places in the work; I’d rather have them there than fill them with unsupported conjecture.  I’ve learned a lot and can find out more, but there are lifetimes of work here for many researchers. What I want to do myself is spread out this wild, funny, tragic story in a fairly straightforward way, with intent to promote understanding.





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